Friday, January 25, 2019

The Writing Reflection

In the beginning of the year, my writing lacked many qualities and was something I could improve. My thesis and analysis was one of the major challenges that I had encountered. Especially the analysis, I found that most of my essays and quick writes failed to answer the crucial question, “Why was this important?”. Not having that question answered in my writing made my essays sound amateur. I could pull all the evidence I needed but when it came time to explain why I did so, I could not answer it. Because of this my score was lower than I would have liked it to be. To improve my writing, I frequently asked others to read my writing out loud, that way I could hear anything that was wrong or not how I intended it to be. This method helped me determine where I should focus on and what I should fix. Gradually, my scores on my essays and quick writes improved and my overall confidence in writing also improved. 
After having more experience in writing, my thesis is more concise and focused. I can see that it sounds more professional, but also more focused and well rounded. However, I can still improve more on my reasoning and analysis but I am happy that there is was an improvement. To achieve my goal, I need to ask myself the central question of why? That way my audience will understand what my thought process is, and give an explanation to my writings significance. I am most proud of my argumentative quick write and Satire Quick write. For my argumentative quick writer, my position on the topic was clear, and my word choice was improved from the beginning of the year. The Satire quick write was also an assignment that I was proud of, it shows my improvements and all the skills that I have accumulated over the year. In this quick write, I had a clear and concise thesis along with good analysis that supported and strengthen my claim and evidence. To develop my writing even further, I need to practice more. The more feedback I receive the more I can grow and improve as a writer.